Yellow Dead Nettle
Lamium galeobdolon
Scientific Name
Yellow Archangel, Dummy Nettle, Weazel Snout.
This plant grows in damp woods, in shady hedgerows, in waste places, quarries and wherever the Stinging Nettle grows. From the branched root stock the erect stems grow to a height of 50 cm. The pair of oval shaped, cremated leaves is placed exactly at right angles to the one above and below. The yellow flowers are arranged in whorls or rings in the axle of the leaves. The flowers and leaves are gathered.
Yellow Dead Nettle as well as White Dead Nettle (Lamium album) are valuable medicinal herbs. The latter flowers from May almost to December and is found as a common weed along paths, in waste places and on railway embankments. The leaves and especially the flowers are gathered. A tea is beneficial in abdominal and menstrual complaints, if 2 cups are sipped during the day. It cleanses the blood and is an effective remedy for sleeplessness and for diverse female troubles. People suffering from continual abdominal complaints and young girls should value this tea.
The leaves and flowers of the Yellow Dead Nettle are used for similar complaints, but especially for scanty or burning urine, bladder trouble, serious kidney disorders and fluid retention in the heart. The flowers are used for digestive troubles, scrofula and skin rashes and 1 cup of this tea is drunk during the morning. For ulcers and varicose veins compresses made from the infusion are beneficial. - Yellow Dead Nettle can be recommended for bladder malfunction with older people, as well as for chill in the bladder and nephritis. A sitz bath, with the decoction added, is very soothing.
For cirrhosis of the kidneys and when renal dialysis has to be performed, the Yellow Dead Nettle, Bedstraw and Golden Rod mixed in equal proportions, give good results.
INFUSION: 1 heaped teaspoon per ¼ litre of boiling water, infused for a short time.
COMPRESS: 3 heaped teaspoons per ½ litre of boiling water, infused for a short time. A cloth is soaked in the infusion and applied warmly.
SITZ BATH: See General Information "Sitz Bath" (the whole plant is used).
TEA MIXTURE: Yellow Dead Nettle, Bedstraw and Golden Rod in equal proportions are mixed. One heaped teaspoon per ¼ litre of boiling water.